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Latest by Luke Dormehl

We’re waiting! 7 technologies that sci-fi films promised us, but aren’t here yet

As great as modern technology is, here are 7 pieces of science fiction technology we would love to see become science fact.
facial recognition china 50000 face detection feature

Facial recognition tech picks a suspect out of a crowd of 50,000 in China

Police in southeast China have reportedly arrested a fugitive spotted in a crowd of 50,000 people attending a pop concert -- thanks to some eerily accurate facial recognition technology. The man was arrested while attending a show by popular Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung.
best amazonbasics products dog booster

Forget cloning dogs, A.I. is the real way to let your pooch live forever

Researchers from the University of Washington and the Allen Institute for A.I. have created a deep learning artificial intelligence that’s designed to behave just like a dog. The technology could one day let your family dogs live on forever -- in shiny robot form, of course.
brain scanner bats johns hopkins 13 scientistsre

Scientists figure out how to monitor the brain activity of bats in midflight

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University have developed technology that lets them study what happens in the brains of bats in flight. It involves a tiny wireless brain signal and a room kitted out with microphones and cameras. And it might just improve future autonomous vehicles.
face swap recognition algorithm swaps

Thanks to A.I., there is finally a way to spot ‘deepfake’ face swaps online

Researchers from Germany’s Technical University of Munich have created a brand new deep-learning algorithm that is designed to spot 'deepfake' face swap images and videos online. It can do this with up to 98 percent accuracy. Here's how it works -- and why it's solving a big problem.
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Astronaut training app could earn you a real-life trip into space

Ever wanted to travel into space? A new astronaut training app called Space Nation Navigator will run you through a variety of physical and mental tests to measure your suitability for a trip to the stars. Oh, and the best performer actually gets an expenses-paid spaceflight, too.
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Biologists have found an oil-hungry bacterium that’s ideal for oil spill cleanup

Could hungry bacteria help clean up oil spills? Researchers from the University of Quebec have spent the past several years searching for the perfect strain of bacteria to munch up large quantities of oil. Now, they finally think that they have found what they're looking for.
long term alcohol monitoring chip screen shot 2018 04 05 at 19 06 36

Tiny injectable chip could be used for long-term alcohol monitoring

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a tiny ultra-low power biosensor that’s designed to be injected into the body for continuous alcohol monitoring. It could be used for long-term monitoring of patients in substance abuse treatment programs.
fontcode embeds messages in text screen shot 2018 04 11 at 18 38 28

This algorithm can hide secret messages in regular-looking text

People have always found ingenious ways of using technology to write secret messages. A new project carried out by researchers at Columbia University continues this tradition by using deep learning technology A.I. to embed encrypted messages in otherwise ordinary looking text.
speed breeding crops revolutionize agriculture john innes center lee hickey 15157

Move over pesticides! This new RNA vaccine could help keep crops safe

Forget about pesticides! Researchers from the University of Helsinki and the French National Centre for Scientific Research have created a new RNA-based vaccine which could offer a more efficient, environmentally friendly way to keep crops safe. Here is how their invention works.
jetpack flyover paris screen shot 2018 04 10 at 21 23 57

A VR experience lets you ride a jetpack over the world’s most romantic city

Nothing says 21st-century romance quite like taking your other half on a jetpack flyover of Paris, one of the world’s capital cities for all things love-related. Fortunately, a new VR attraction called FlyView is here to help. Using VR and ground-mounted jetpack units, FlyView promises an aerial tour of Paris.
china data nanofilm holographicfilm

A stamp-sized piece of this nanofilm can store more data than 200 DVDs

Researchers from China have developed a new nanofilm -- 80x thinner than a human hair -- that’s able to store large amounts of data holographically. A single 10x10cm piece of this film could archive more than 1,000x the amount of data found on a DVD.
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High-tech ‘best before’ label aims to ensure you never get food poisoning

Researchers from Canada’s McMaster University have created a high tech twist on the 'best before' label -- that's able to actually sense contamination in food and warning you about it. Printed using harmless molecules, the patch could be incorporated directly into future food packaging.
large hadron collider news theories atlas cern big

Nuclear scientists at CERN discover color of antimatter, hope to learn much more

Researchers at CERN have been able to examine the spectral structure of an antihydrogen atom in full color.
nasa astronaut applications astronauts

Engineers want to 3D print stuff in space using recycled astronaut poop

Canadian researchers have developed a way to use astronaut poop as an ingredient for 3D printing in the stars.
robot dances honeybees robobee figure2abeerobot

Bust a move! A German robot dances to communicate with honeybees

This new robot shows honeybees the best foraging locations by mimicking a dance that real bees employ in the wild.
top 10 robots ever built honda robot waving

Counting down the 10 most important robots in history

From research labs to our own homes, robots are everywhere these days. Check out our list of the 10 most important ones ever built.
tech projects

From CERN to the ISS, here are 9 big tech projects that changed the world

Whether it’s rocketing us into space or answering big questions about where we come from, here are 9 tech projects that changed the world.
Hyundai Wearable Exoskeleton, assistive tech

Assistive tech is progressing faster than ever, and these 7 devices prove it

From robotic prosthetics to brainwave-reading hearing aids, assistive technology has progressed in leaps and bounds over the past decade.
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Antarctic scientists are growing veggies without dirt, sunlight, or pesticides

Scientists in Antarctica have successfully grown the first crop of veg without the help of earth, daylight or pesticides.
oneup life preserver lifepreserver

This throwable life preserver inflates instantly when it hits water

OneUp life preserver starts as a gadget the size of a can of soda, but rapidly inflates when you throw it in water.
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In proper 2018 fashion, the royal wedding now has its very own cryptocurrency

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle get married, they’re being gifted a new cryptocurrency, called the Royal Coin.
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Stanford’s rice-sized implant treats diseases by zapping individual nerves

Stanford researchers have developed a tiny nerve-stimulation implant, which could treat a wide range of different medical conditions.
fribo robot loneliness mza0mjexma

Fribo is a cat-like robot that tells your friends what’s going on in your home

Fribo is a robot developed by researchers in Korea, designed to help stave off loneliness. Here's how it works.
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This twisted metal bridge in Amsterdam was 3D printed by welding robots

This organic-looking metal bridge in Amsterdam was 3D printed by welding robots. Best bridge ever, anyone?
zipline fastest drone in us launchzipline

World’s fastest ever delivery drone could deliver medical supplies in U.S.

Medical supply drone delivery company Zipline's ready to launch the world's fastest delivery drone to help in the U.S.
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This innovative chunky padlock promises to be virtually unpickable

With a chunky design and innovative lock mechanism, this Bowley padlock promises to be virtually unpickable.
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The future of journalism? A.I. rewrites news depending on your politics

A brand new news website aims to help break filter bubbles by using A.I. to let us read stories from multiple perspectives.
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This trailer-towing robot is like a Roomba on steroids

Ever wanted to park your trailer by remote control? The Trailer Valet RVR is a mini-tracked tank that is capable of pulling remarkably heavy loads.
blea shark e surfboards surfboardkickstarter

Blea Shark e-surfboards let you surf on flat water at 30 miles per hour

Ever wanted to get into surfing, but wanted to flatten out the learning curve? These new Blea Shark e-surfboards promise to help.
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Amazing software turns 3D scans into knitted objects, no grannies required

Researchers in Carnegie Mellon University's Textiles Lab have created a new computer system that can turn 3D scans into instructions ready to be knitted by a machine.
8 things 2018 kids wont experience commonplace driving feat

8 things kids born in 2018 will never experience, thanks to technology

Here are our predictions for eight things that the class of 2036 (that’s today’s kids at 18) won’t experience.
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Brain scans and A.I. confirm that dogs are great at recognizing our emotions

What dog lover hasn’t looked at their trusty mutt and tried to figure out what they’re thinking? Using brain reading tech could help.
robot handbot rock paper scissors

This robot can mimic your hand gestures and whoop you at rock-paper-scissors

A collaboration involving Google’s Android Things, this DIY HandBot is a robot hand that can recognize and replicate your gestures.