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Latest by Luke Dormehl

ibm and mit partnership robotics

Resistance isn’t futile! 6 tips for keeping your job amid the robot takeover

Chances are that you’ve considered the possibility that you could be replaced by a robot. Here are our tips for how to survive the A.I. job takeover.
hunt meteorites antarctica metal detector meteorites2 uofmanchester

Scientists hunt meteorites in Antarctica with metal-detecting snowmobiles

On the hunt for lost meteorites in Antarctica, researchers from the U.K. have turned to metal-detecting technology to help.
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Scientists nix Alzheimer’s-causing brain plaques in mice. Could humans be next?

Mouse trial shows that it may be possible to remove the plaques which form in the brains of future Alzheimer’s sufferers.
festo flying fox spider robots bionicwheelbot00546 13x18 rgb

Latest Festo creations include a bionic bat and somersaulting robo-spider

Two latest nature-inspired robots from Festo include a robotic spider and a bionic flying fox which really flies.
CCleaner on Macbook lifestyle

Facebook isn’t the only one watching. Protect your privacy with these 5 apps

Facebook is currently feeling the heat for gathering data on its users. But it's far from alone. Here are five ways to strike back.
skiing exoskeleton roam robotics white pants large stealth 01

Shred like a cyborg with this endurance-boosting exoskeleton for skiers

A new prototype exoskeleton, created by Roam Robotics, is designed to help wearers on ski slopes protect their joints.
Baidu (sign)

Baidu’s pocket translator is a ‘Star Trek’ dream come to life

Baidu's Star Trek-style pocket universal translator is able to translate spoken sentences from English into Mandarin and back again.
robot tank delivers a beer img 20180327 201257 hdr

Tanks for the beer! Robotic vehicle follows you around, brings you a brewski

The WalaBeer tank is a homemade Alexa-connected vehicle that follows you around your apartment and will deliver a beer to youu.
robot intestine rocket fuel

This amazing robot intestine barfs out perfectly mixed rocket fuel

Researchers in Japan have created an excreting robot intestine that excretes ready-mixed working rocket fuel.
monarch platform robot bronchoscopy  physician using controller to drive 2

Doctors can steer this robot through your guts with an Xbox-style controller

A new endoscopy robot, designed to access hard-to-reach places in the human body, has received official U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance.
harvard two new bandages heal wounds gettyimages 753336241

Harvard’s new skin-style bandages heal wounds at an accelerated rate

Harvard's two novel nanofiber bandages can rapidly accelerate the healing process and improve tissue regeneration.
military sound weapon old modem lasers mirror darpa

U.S. military is developing a sound weapon that sounds like a retro modem

The Department of Defense is developing a sound weapon which happens to sound just like an old dial-up modem.
Vaportini alcohol lineup

Stem cells slashed alcoholism rates in rats. Can it do the same for humans?

Researchers at the University of Chile have another potentially game-changing application for stem cells: Helping fight alcoholism.
Joshua Browder | DoNotPay chatbot inventor

Meet the British whiz kid who fights for justice with a robo-lawyer sidekick

21-year-old Joshua Browder's robot lawyer can do everything from getting you out of parking tickets to solving landlord disputes.
Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology

Do you want to live forever? 6 ways tech could extend your life

Here are six ways that technology could extend your lifespan -- anywhere from a few decades to, well, the end of life as humankind knows it.
mit device water from sky 2018 harvester in action

MIT’s latest invention pulls clean drinking water out of thin air

Researchers at MIT have tested a device that's capable of pulling drinking water straight out of the sky.
robots with jet powered feet robot chasms

This robot with jet-powered feet is proof that we’re living in the future

Researchers from China have built a jet-powered bipedal robot that does the splits to cross large chasms.
neural net rebuilds reality learning to see memo 07 cover

Like an A.I. acid trip, this neural net rebuilds reality with flowers and fire

This artist has created a deep learning neural network which views the world entirely as flowers, waves, fire or sky. The results are kind of beautiful.
france trains eagles rogue drones golden eagle flight

Wind turbines have a bird murdering problem, but a solution is at hand

Researchers have developed smart technology that could help stop endangered eagles from flying into wind turbines.
portable brainwave scanner new brain 1  credit wellcome

This cyberpunk spartan helmet is actually a portable brainwave scanner

It may look like something out of The Phantom of the Opera, but this headgear is actually a wearable portable brain scanner.
raspberry boom kickstarter project eag7454

Forget weather stations; this gadget lets you monitor the entire planet

Newly landed on Kickstarter, Raspberry Boom is a citizen science project which provides you with a finely-tuned atmospheric monitor for your home.
eye tracking reader help human

A pioneering stem cell treatment restores eyesight in nearly blind patients

A pair of patients with severe vision loss have had their sight restored, courtesy of a pioneering trial using stem cells to regrow crucial tissues in the eye.
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LED baseball cap fools facial-recognition tech into thinking you’re someone else

Researchers in China have created an LED baseball cap that's able to trick facial-recognition systems into thinking that you're someone else.
The Manual’s quick reference guide to smoking meat

Love smoked meat? Scientists figured out how to make it better

Researchers have used a filter to remove some of the carcinogens from smoke. The result? Smoked food that's safer and tastier.
the perfect smile

An A.I. distinguishes between biological males and females based on a smile

A new A.I. has found an accurate way of distinguishing between images of males and females -- by analyzing the way they smile.
rova app saving homeless man in hat

Stanford’s VR experience puts you in the shoes of one of California’s homeless

Can you promote empathy through VR? That's the goal of Becoming Homeless, a VR experience created by Stanford researchers.
print any image onto beer ripples  pint 1

This printer can create an image directly onto beer foam

A new printer lets bartenders show off by the ability to print edible ink directly onto the foam on a frosty glass of beer.
dissolving needles university texas screen shot 2018 03 19 at 21 49 05

Hate needles? These microscopic ones painlessly dissolve drugs in your skin

Researchers have created a new 3D printed dissolving microneedle array, which could offer a painless alternative to injections for those who hate needles.
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Next-gen smoke grenade hides soldiers from enemy eyes — and thermal sensors, too

Researchers in the U.S. Army have developed a new type of experimental smoke grenade which can foil both visible and infrared detection.
surgeons train haptic vr 1 oculus lap dualdevice 2pax no banner

Haptic VR surgery isn’t for the faint of heart, but it could help surgeons

Fundamental VR is creating virtual reality training experiences for surgeons that uses cutting edge haptic tech. No pun intended.
the future of food meat alternatives memphis meats burger

7 weird high-tech foods you might chow down on in the not-so-distant future

Forget science fiction! From lab-grown meat to genetically engineered algae, here are seven examples of high tech foods that really exist.
Intel Announces The Xeon 5100 Microprocessor For Servers

Computers can’t keep shrinking, but they’ll keep getting better. Here’s how

Does the predicted end of Moore's Law mean the end of better computers? Not necessarily, as these 7 reasons argue.
mass producing graphene

Move over graphene! Gallenene is the latest 2D material on the block

Graphene may be the most famous 2D material, but it's far from the last. Researchers have now developed a 2D version of gallium, called “gallenene.”
robot chicago river picks up trash screenshot from gp010162

You can control this robot as it trawls the Chicago River picking up trash

A new Kickstarter project aims to clean up the Chicago River by giving you the chance to navigate a real life trash-collecting robot.