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Latest by Luke Dormehl

wi fi radiation transparent walls tum wifi holography 1

Your router’s Wi-Fi signal can be used to create a 3D holographic map of your house

Researchers can create maps of the inside of buildings using the microwave radiation of Wi-Fi signals as they bounce off people and objects.
graphene speaker heating cooling 20170502 151509

Graphene speaker produces sound with good (non)-vibrations

Researchers in the U.K. have developed a graphene speaker, which produces sound using heat instead of vibrations.
guardian s snakebot snake 3

Sensor-filled Guardian S snakebot can even slither vertically up walls

Sarcos' Guardian S snakebot is a rugged, sensor-filled $60,000 robot that can crawl practically anywhere: even vertically up walls.
miniature drone racing kit aerix screen shot 2017 05 at 21 15 30

Aerix Drones is bringing miniature drone racing to your living room, front yard

This awesome kit from popular dronemaker Aerix Drones will bring miniature drone racing into your front yard.
genetically engineered algae demo ge

Genetically engineered algae could provide everything from biofuel to food

Scientists at the University of California, San Diego have developed and tested safe genetically engineered algae.
us marines machine gun robot tablet 2000x1335 q95

U.S. Marines are testing a machine gun-wielding robot controlled by a tablet

The U.S. Marine Corp is testing a robot tank equipped with a .50-caliber machine gun for use in future battlefields.
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Scientists use stem cells to grow working inner ear parts to treat deafness

Researchers have used human stem cells to grow new functioning inner ear tissues. The work could lead to future treatment for deafness.
high res 3d movement scanner rehab security dsc0330 1

Cutting-edge 3D scanner will digitize you more realistically than ever before

Fraunhofer Institute has developed a 3D scanner which can take high-res 3D images at a rate of 36 per second.
seeing prosthetic hand newcastle 5909f951f23ae

Amazing new prosthetic hand can 'see' objects, autonomously decide how best to grab them

Researchers in the U.K. have developed a bionic hand, which uses a camera and artificial intelligence to work out what it's reaching for.
bricks compressed moondust build in space brick 3d printed from using focused sunlight

Astronauts may one day use moon-dust bricks to build a home far away from home

The DLR German Aerospace Center's 3D-printed moon dust bricks, baked in a solar furnace, could one day be used to build in space.
machine learning supreme court algorithm my trusty gavel

Machine learning algorithm can accurately predict Supreme Court outcomes

Trained legal experts can predict Supreme Court case outcomes just 66 percent of the time. This machine learning algorithm can do better.
exercise in a pill mouse study 15491983 l

A newly developed chemical could ‘reprogram’ your body to be more fit

Scientists at Salk Institute have demonstrated that mice can be given a major endurance boost with a new "exercise-in-a-pill."
two legged ostrich inspired robot sensors screen shot 2017 05 03 at 18 16 36

Ostrich-inspired running robot doesn't need smart sensors to balance

Florida’s Institute for Human and Machine Cognition has built a self-balancing robot that can sprint on a treadmill at an impressive 12 mph.
blowing artificial snow switzerland glacier 27038682 l

An army of snow machines could help save a famous Swiss glacier

Switzerland's famous Morteratsch Glacier is losing more than 100 feet in length each year. Snow machines may be able to help.
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Binghampton University students work on 3D bioprinting artificial pancreas

Biomedical engineers at Binghampton University are working to create a 3D bioprinted artificial pancreas, using human stem cells.
skullconduct google glass human skull

This terrifying robot can drill through your skull in 2 minutes – and that’s a good thing

The University of Utah has developed an automated drill for cranial surgery. It can cut an opening in the skull in just 2.5 minutes.
flowlight traffic light office img 0347

Flowlight is an office traffic light system that lets coworkers know when you're too busy to talk

This smart office-based traffic light system uses LED lights and some smart algorithms to work out when your colleagues shouldn't disturb you.
software glitch releases prisoners early prison cell

VR rehab could help prisoners learn the valuable life skills they need

Virtual Rehab is introducing virtual reality tech to prisons to help inmates learn new skills they can use after they're released.
footstriker perfect running electricity 10575692 l

FootStriker zaps you with electricity to improve your running technique

FootStriker is a smart device that zaps your foot with a jolt of electricity to train you how to run properly. It works shockingly well!
sequencing barley genome project 45811117 l

Now that scientists have mapped the barley genome, better beer could be the result

Scientists from around the world have mapped the barley genome -- with the noble goal of hopefully one day bringing us even better beer.
jagger lewis smart dog collar news 1

Canned food-opening robot wants to feed your pets in your absence

Do you trust a robot to open canned food and feed your beloved family pet in your absence? If so, that's where PawBot comes into play.
mit smart sensors how fast you walk wigait uses wireless signals to continuously measure a person  s walking speed photo cred

Measuring how fast you walk could be an early warning system for health problems

MIT has developed smart sensors that can work out how quickly a person is walking, and could use this data for making health predictions.
mit construction robot 3d print building ca1i0681

MIT built a robot that can 3D print an entire building in about 14 hours

MIT's building-creating 3D-printer robot could make construction faster, cheaper, and far, far more adaptable.
imaging technique erosion without digging up 11106729 l

Scientists develop an imaging technique for looking through concrete

Scientists have developed imaging technology that lets them detect corrosion in steel structures, even when it’s encased in thick concrete.
ai lyrebird duplicate anyones voice 60965918 l

AI can now duplicate anyone's voice based on just one minute of training

An AI startup called Lyrebird just invented an algorithm that can mimic the voice of any person, based on just 60 seconds of speech.
stealth key 3d printed titanium real pic 2

3D printed from titanium, Stealth Keys are nearly impossible to duplicate

Swiss company UrbanAlps has developed the 3D-printed titanium Stealth Key that hides its security features inside, rendering it unscannable.
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Caltech scientists develop a technique for turning bones transparent

A new technique developed at Caltech can turn bones transparent, allowing researchers to examine their composition in greater detail.
plastic roads longer lasting reduce landfill 20170426 143234

United Kingdom testing durable roads made of recycled plastic

A U.K. startup has developed technology for creating high-quality asphalt out of recycled plastic. And it's already being tested on roads.
trint groundbreaking text to speech 68710765 l

Trint text-to-speech web app takes the pain out of transcription

Trint is a great speech-to-text web app that can listen to long blocks of audio and transcribe it flawlessly.
synthetic material clean air photosynthesis uribeblue

A new way to fake photosynthesis could help put CO2 back where it belongs

Scientists use a synthetic material to trigger artificial photosynthesis, generating energy and converting greenhouse gases into clean air.
k5 robot assault arrests knightscope 8445

Intoxicated man allegedly assaults a robot in Silicon Valley, gets arrested

An intoxicated man was arrested this week in Mountain View, California, for allegedly attacking one of Knightscope's K5 security robots.
nanomater ai graphene screen shot 2017 04 26 at 19 05 18

Ultra-thin electronic labels could warn you when your milk goes bad

A team of scientists have created the world’s first-ever printed transistors composed exclusively of 2D nanomaterials.
3d printing plastic bottles trussfab bridge editor real

Incredible software lets anybody build astonishingly strong structures out of plastic bottles

TrussFab is software that lets you design and build anything from chairs to a rowboat using 3D printing and regular plastic bottles.
what is the mandela effect brain stock photo

Computer-generated ‘brain age’ estimates how much time you’ve got left

U.K. researchers have developed a machine learning algorithm which can look at people's “brain age" and use this to predict their lifespan.