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Latest by Luke Dormehl

pink trombone 19385838 l

Pink Trombone is a DIY mouth you can manipulate to form sounds

Called Pink Trombone, this intriguing web app shows how mouths are manipulated to form the different sounds that they make.
Blood in test tubes, being tested.

Scientists use big data to develop a ‘promising’ blood test for autism disorder

Scientists have developed an algorithm that can accurately predict whether a child is on the Autism spectrum, based on a blood sample.

Innovative startup turns old fishing nets into new 3D-printer materials

Innovative U.K. startup is working to save the environment by diverting old fishing nets from the landfills to become 3D-printer filaments.
samantha sex robot emotion dsc04462

Meet Samantha: a smart sex robot that you need to seduce before you get busy

Are you interested in forming a relationship with a sex robot that can show off emotions and even spout a bit of philosophy? Meet Samantha.
fidget helps concentration cubes

Are fidget toys legitimately good for your brain, or pseudoscientific snake oil?

“Fidget” isn’t a word with the most positive of connotations. But according to a number of studies, it may actually turn out to be beneficial.
correct robot mistakes with mind 1the feedback system enables human operators to the s choice in real time  jason dorfman mit

Scientists figure out a way to correct a robot's mistakes via brain waves

Scientists at MIT and Boston have developed a system that uses EEG human brain-activity data to correct a robot’s mistakes in real time.
3d printed prosthesis sol ap9a3113

Dad 3D-printed arm prosthesis for his kid, now wants to share it with the world

When baby Sol Ryan had to have his lower left arm amputated, his dad developed a 3D-printed hydraulic arm to help him. Now he's sharing it.
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‘Nano-warming’ technique could help eliminate organ transplant waiting lists

A massive number of possible transplant organs are wasted each year. A new nano-warming process could help change all that.
supercapacitor rose thor balkhed liu

Scientists engineer a rose that can store and releases electrical energy

Scientists in Sweden have developed a method of turning roses into supercapacitors, capable of holding energy in their stems.
fm radio singing posters screen shot 2017 03 02 at 17 29 42

By hijacking FM radio signals, we can have singing posters, talking shirts

New method for embedding audio and data in regular FM radio signals ushers in an age of singing posters and talking shirts.
nerf air cannon red bull gun

DIYer’s air cannon can fire a Nerf dart right through an empty aluminum can

Remember the time you shot your kid brother in the face with a Nerf gun? You're lucky you didn't have this DIY Nerf air cannon at home.
self driving car browser selfdriving head

17-year-old uses deep learning to program AI cars that race around in your browser

17 year old student Jan Hünermann has used deep learning neural networks to program AI cars which race around a map in your web browser.
moar ebike indiegogo unibody rear frame rack

This folding fat-tire ebike does 85 miles on a single charge, and also fits in your trunk

A new feature-packed electric bike is making its case for being your ride of the summer. And based on these specs, who are we to argue?
game of clones identical dating gameofclonesgeorge new final

Absurd dating show ‘Game of Clones’ lets contestants design their ideal partner

New dating show is what happens when you combine avatar-building technology, lusty singletons, and add a pinch of Vertigo for good measure.
1000 drones chinese lantern festival screen shot 2017 03 01 at 08 23 28

Remember Intel’s 300-drone light show at the Super Bowl? China just did one with 1,000

Forget fireworks! Chinese drone company EHang recently orchestrated an epic, record-setting 1,000 drone light show. Check it out.
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Startup that gives a voice to the speechless wants you as a donor

Boston-based startup Vocalid is creating custom synthetic text-to-speech voices for people who can't speak.
beer bottle crusher db breweries 1

This machine pulverizes glass bottles, turns them into fine-grain sand in just 5 seconds

Thanks to a New Zealand brewery's initiative, old beer bottles can be crushed into fine powder right in front of you.
moondrop kickstarter desk toy on table2

Meet Moondrop: A gravity-defying fidget toy that leverages a fascinating quirk of physics

metamaterials channel sound waves bricks

Crazy new metamaterial bricks let scientists ‘steer’ soundwaves, levitate small objects

Scientists have developed a supermaterial that allows anyone using it to focus sound waves as easily as rearranging Lego blocks.
hyperloop for space vehicles screen shot 2017 02 27 at 21 07 30

The inventor behind the Maglev train is back with a Hyperloop for launching space vehicles

James Powell, the inventor who inspired the maglev train, is back with a maglev rocket launcher concept for launching space vehicles.
komodo dragon antibiotics 58178786 l

Komodo dragons are large, scary, and their blood could save human lives

The secret to tomorrow's next-genaration antibiotics? It could be Komodo dragon blood, according to a new research project.
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Computer says no: New Jersey is using an algorithm to make bail recommendations

If you get arrested in New Jersey, you could find yourself either approved or denied bail based on the recommendation of an algorithm.
hiv vaccine therapy daily drugs color

A new HIV vaccine therapy method lets five patients kick the daily drugs

A new HIV vaccine-based therapy has allowed five patients to ditch the daily drugs they previously needed to keep the disease at bay.
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Hackers circumvent 'air gap' security with a drone that 'reads' the lights on a computer

Security experts have demonstrated how hackers could extract data from your computer using a drone and the blinking lights on your machine.
artist self portrait vr 4z7sf3

Trippy VR self-portrait takes you inside its artist creator’s body

“Self Portrait (Interior),” is a virtual reality tour that gives you a grand tour of its artist creator's insides.
ambiotherm sun and wind screen shot 2017 02 23 at 11 07 33 am

Ambiotherm may look goofy, but it lets you feel the warmth of a virtual sun

Ambiotherm is a VR accessory that wants to mimic the feeling of the wind and sun on your face by pumping air and heat in your direction.
Virtual Porn

Don’t forget to lock your door: YouPorn just launched its new VR platform

Steamy streaming video website YouPorn has launched a new virtual reality platform this week. We visited it so you don't have to!

Crowdfailing: $179 Tiko 3D printer joins growing list of high-profile Kickstarter flops

Despite having raised $2,950,874 on Kickstarter back in 2015, low-cost 3D printer Tiko is the latest high-profile crowdfunding casualty.
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A college student turned his Honda Civic into a self-driving car for $700

This college student used downloaded software and some ingenuity to turn his Honda Civic into an autonomous vehicle -- for just $700.
roam robotics exoskeleton arm  iso

Roam Robotics’ lightweight, affordable exoskeleton designed for everyday folks

Forget metal and motors, San Francisco-based Roam Robotics is building exoskeletons out of plastic and fabrics.
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Underwater virtual reality will give you anything but a sinking feeling

Unique waterproof virtual reality headset could help its wearers to simulate sensations like weightlessness.
3d printer holograms daqri screen shot 2017 02 22 at 17 44 16

Holographic 3D printer uses lasers to print thousands of times faster than its rivals

Think you've seen it all when it comes to 3D printing? This hologram-powered 3D printer prints using green lasers and a tub of goo.

Crazy new color-changing hair dye responds to shifts in temperature

How cool would it be to have hair that can change color from black to red to blue to blonde depending on the temperature? Now you can.
undersea robot fjord dsc00186

This sea snake bot looks like it escaped from a sci-fi nightmare, but it’s actually here to help

Eelume is a snake robot designed to live underwater and repair pipelines. Check out this video of its first dip in a Norwegian fjord.