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Latest by Luke Dormehl

drone songbird documentation 55198783 l

Sound science: Ecologists use drones to document songbirds in tough terrain

Ecologists have demonstrated how drones can be used as bio-acoustic recording devices for helping survey changing songbird populations.
mice fireflies stanford 61467159 l

First step to future vaccines? Mice that glow like fireflies

Scientists at Stanford University have come up with a way to make mice glow in the dark by producing firefly proteins.
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The Sentinel is a robot designed to make police traffic stops safer

The Sentinel Robotic System is a robot that was created in response to the tragic shooting of two officers during routine traffic stops.
origami shield cops ballisticbarrier1

BYU’s origami-inspired Kevlar shield pops up in seconds to block bullets

Engineers at Brigham Young University have developed an origami-inspired, lightweight bulletproof shield designed to protect cops.
scorpion hoverbike screen shot 2017 02 20 at 17 46 13

Scorpion S3 electric hoverbike looks terrifyingly fun

Do you worry that your mode of transporation isn't terrifying enough? This fearsome single-seat electric hoverbike could be your answer.
A Falcon 9 booster coming in to land.

Watch SpaceX safely land a Falcon 9 rocket after space station resupply mission

Elon Musk’s SpaceX project scored a victory over the weekend when it performed the successful landing of a Falcon 9 rocket on Sunday.
darwin robot physical therapy

Darwin is a robot physical therapy assistant to help kids with cerebral palsy

Could robots have a future helping kids with pathologies like cerebral palsy? Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology think so.
hybrid woolly mammoth embryo 39046720 l

Hybrid woolly mammoths could soon walk the Earth, thanks to Harvard scientists

Harvard scientists are working to develop a "hybrid elephant-mammoth embryo," which could be grown within the next couple of years.
topographical map hand cranked img 3179 2

Watch a wooden topographical map rise before your eyes when you turn handle

Three design students created a hand-cranked machine that causes a topographical map to emerge from a flat surface when its handle is turned.
frozen lake thermite screen shot 2017 02 17 at 18 11 27

Fire versus ice: Video shows what happens when thermite meets a frozen lake

Ever wondered what would happen when a bunch of thermite is used to try and blow a hole in a frozen lake? Of course you have.
autism algorithm 81 percent baby assessment

Algorithm predicts autism diagnosis in young children with 81 percent accuracy

A deep learning algorithm can accurately predict whether high-risk children are likely to be diagnosed with autism in early childhood.
desktop vacuum former kickstarter hero 3

A desktop vacuum former on Kickstarter will complete any craft space

Looking for the next tool for your home craft space? A desktop vacuum former, available on Kickstarter, could be what you're searching for.
france trains eagles rogue drones eagle close up

3D-printed miniature camera sees the world the way a bird of prey does

New miniature camera setup sees the world with the razor sharp vision of a bird of prey. Oh, and it's 3D-printed, too.
smart windshield wipers rain 45368441 l

Windshield technology just got smarter thanks to ProActive Wipers

Smart windshield wiper tech predicts when your car is going to get splashed by a vehicle coming in the other direction.
lexicocalorimeter twitter analysis 39980334 l

You are what you tweet: Twitter reveals how America eats and exercises

A new research tool is scanning Twitter for mentions of food and exercise to track how America is eating and staying healthy.
lab grown pork chop 50206672 l

Scientists use stem cells to grow animal-free pork in a lab

A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has taken us one step closer to the dream of animal-free meat.

3D printing your household items could save you some serious cash, study finds

Looking for an investment promising you a 100 percent return? Using a 3D printer for your household items may be your best bet.
flavor changing water bottle bottleslinedup

Clever new water bottle tricks your brain into thinking regular H2O is flavored

This 20-year-old student has developed a flavor-changing bottle that will quench your thirst by making water taste like a fruit drink.
cocaine mouse addiction mouseinsnow feat

Scientists genetically engineer a mouse that’s immune to cocaine addiction

Scientists at the University of British Columbia have genetically engineered a mouse that is incapable of becoming addicted to cocaine.
smart football helmet 10 years gridiron hud

Football helmet offers a glimpse at the future of the NFL

How could football helmets look were they to take advantage of the latest technology? These designers decided to find out.
fda clears artificial pancreas medtronic minimed 670g hybrid closed loop

Four major studies will investigate automated insulin delivery systems

The National Institutes of Health has announced that it is funding four new clinical trials designed to test out artificial pancreas systems.
3d printer overhang printing 6 achsen druck bild4

New 6-axis 3D printer can print complex objects with gravity-defying overhangs

Students from Zurich University have developed a 3D printer that uses a tilting bed to print objects with a critical overhang.
urea based battery

Golden power: this super efficient battery is powered by a urine byproduct

The secret ingredient for developing cheap, effective batteries may turn out to be urine, according to researchers from Stanford University.
cancer virtual reality project 1 observatory

Oncologists will be able to walk through 3D tumors with new VR system

A new project is building virtual reality tools to help cancer researchers create and analyze 3D maps of tumors.
reading brain waves at the wheel 66838121 xl

U.S. Army wants to analyze drivers' brain waves to keep them awake at the wheel

Forget about cranking loud music to avoid in-car drowsiness. The U.S. Army has an alternative solution: Analyzing your brain waves.
science dance moves 33301423  group of happy friends dancing in nightclub

Twerk it with science! Researchers discover the best way to bust a move

Psychologists at Northumbria University in the U.K. have been studying which male and female dance moves are the most and least alluring.
kansas smart city kc streetcar 4

Check out the technological upgrades that helped Kansas City become one of the smartest cities in the U.S.

Thanks to investments from Sprint and Cisco, Kansas City has just made its bid to become one of the United States' smartest cities.
energy observer sustainable boat kadeg boucher ice bd

The Energy Observer boat can run for 6 years on nothing but wind, solar, and hydrogen

Launching on an epic odyssey this month, the eco-friendly Energy Explorer boat will sail around the world for the next 6 years.
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Meet Cassie, the walking robot that looks like a pair of disembodied ostrich legs

Agility Robotics has introduced its first robot -- and her name is Cassie. With a highly-optimized walking technique, here's what she can do.
How to rotate your tires

Going Green: Tomorrow’s tires could be made from your lawn clippings

Chemists have developed a more eco-friendly way to manufacture tires by making them out of grass and trees.
giant drone racing spectator sport fds promo 5

Giant drone racing is here, and it’s just as awesome as it sounds

Australian-based startup Freedom Class Giant Drone Racing does what it says on the tin. Could this be the next Formula 1-sized motor sport?
5000 year old beer 43203257 l

Scientists at Stanford uncovered a 5,000-year-old Chinese beer recipe, then brewed it

How do you think 5,000-year-old Chinese beer would taste? Stanford archaeologist are giving us the opportunity to find out.
A scared woman afraid of something in the dark.

Freaky experiment shows neuroscientists exactly how human brain processes fear

Neurologists at the University of California are using deep brain electrodes to analyze people's reaction to horror movies. Here's why.
horse antibodies ebola 43658095 l

The cure for Ebola? New research says it's horse antibodies, apparently

Scientists have developed a rapid, effective and affordable treatment for the Ebola virus, and the secret ingredient is … horse antibodies?