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Latest by Luke Dormehl

Assassin's Creed movie review

Flop or not? ScriptBook AI predicts which movies will be box-office bombs

A new AI-powered automated script picker startup named ScriptBook hopes that it can help Hollywood sort the would-be hits from the misses.
how to send a text from your email account

Keymochi, the smart mobile keyboard, can judge your mood based on how you type

A new mobile keyboard created by Cornell Tech students can accurately guess your mood based on how you text. Here's how it works.
3d printed lace enclosures printing hero apart

3D-printed lace enclosures will ensure your shoes never come untied again

Ever have the problem of shoelaces that come undone? If so, then 3D printing gurus Noe and Pedro Ruiz have just the DIY project for you.
finch shift virtual reality controller screen shot 2016 12 29 at 20 53 54

Finch Shift universal VR controller helps you come to grips with virtual worlds

The Finch Shift is a universal VR joystick works with armband sensors to help track and visualize hand and finger movement -- without cables or cameras.
best kickstarters 2016 vue glasses 2

Big tech from little companies: Here's the best Kickstarter campaigns from 2016

When you look back on 2016 in the years to come, what will be the overriding memory you have? Great Kickstarter projects, of course.
laboratory for cell gene medicine braincancer

Stanford’s Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine aims to ‘cure the incurable’

Stanford's Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine is a 25,000-square-foot facility dedicated to tackling the world’s most challenging medical problems.
nannybot nanny budgee top for web

Never let your kids go unsupervised again! NannyBot will keep tabs for you

NannyBot is a robot which promises to follow your kids around and feed audio and video back to your smartphone, tablet or computer.
heng balance lamp kickstarter 6

Gorgeous Heng Balance Lamp boasts unique magnetic switch mechanism

Looking for a lamp that not only lights up your room, but also boasts a physics-defying unique switch mechanism? Then the Heng Balance Lamp is for you.
ai system listens engine tells youre running problems sensorkit

AI system listens to your engine and tells you if you’re running into problems

An innovative AI startup from Israel is using deep-learning AI technology to listen to machinery and predict whether it's about to go wrong.
Everything you need to know about Neuralink

Are you hearing things? New audio test may provide objective test for concussions

New research coming out of Northwestern University’s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory has resulted in a sound test capable of diagnosing concussion.
christmas tree quadcopter

Making a Christmas tree fly is 2016's wackiest use of a quadcopter

We've seen some mad drones before, but one we've never considered is a flying Christmas tree quadcopter. Well, it now exists -- and we couldn't be happier.
landlines map project landllines draw

Land Lines is a fun project that will match any line you draw to a real map

This web app which lets you to draw any shaped line you want and have it matched up to an identical river, highway or coastline somewhere in the world.
kickstarter wallor thumbnail

The wailing wallet: Wallor lets you know if you’re being pickpocketed

This stylish leather wallet will sound an alarm if someone tries to steal it. Here's how you can get hold of one of your one.
cat photos xrays 19037264 l

Catdiology? Cat pictures are helping AI get better at recognizing X-rays

What happens when you don't have enough medical images to train an AI to recognize X-rays? Plug the gaps with photos of cats and other everyday pictures.
3d printed apartment layout dsc06029

Engineer plans his apartment floor layout by 3D-printing a scale model

Engineer Craig Broady recently built a 3D-printed scale replica of his new apartment to test out possible floor plans. The results are pretty awesome.
poison oak antidote amy dunphy

Frustrated by poison oak, 15-year-old Amy Dunphy invented a cure for it

15-year-old San Jose teenager Amy Dunphy has spent the past 2.5 years inventing a chemical that will protect your skin against the perils of poison oak.
smartphone movie living cells kreuger

Live cell imaging can be carried out using 3D printing and a smartphone

Researchers have shown how smartphones, 3D printers, and an old microscope can make movies of living cells, minus the need for ultra-expensive equipment.
disease detection based on breath 51506412 ml

AI can diagnose 17 different diseases based on a patient's breath

Researchers have developed an AI system able to identify the unique "breathprint" for 17 different diseases -- ranging from kidney cancer to Parkinson's.
beaming heat into space emitter2

Innovative air conditioners could work by beaming heat into deep space

Researchers from Stanford University have come up with a new refrigeration method for providing cooling: simply beam the heat into space.
university exeter graphene optoelectronics

Graphene’s latest miracle? The ability to detect cancer cells

Are you worried that the "wonder material" graphene is running out of amazing abilities? Not so fast! Researchers have just found it can detect cancer, too.
south korean giant mech dsc 4866

A mech for modern times: Method-1 is your sci-fi fantasy come to life

In South Korea, a robotics company is building a towering mech robot straight out of the world of Gundam. Here's what we know about it so far.
3d printed bones landmines bone

3D-printed bones could replace bone donations in treating landmine victims

-Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Glasgow are working on 3D-printing technology that can potentially help people who have lost limbs in explosions.
antihydrogen study cern max 7841

Scientists make a major breakthrough in our ability to study antimatter

Researchers have made the first measurement on the optical spectrum of an antimatter atom. Here's what they did, and why it matters.
smart mouthguard concussion img 9293

Smart mouth guard will inform athletes when they’ve suffered a concussion

Prevent Biometrics has developed a mouth guard able to pair with a mobile app, to inform players of head trauma received during games.
capcam pairing mobile context focus

You could soon pair touchscreen devices just by pressing them together

A smart new system called CapCam lets users pair mobile devices with other touch screens simply by pressing them together.
flexr kickstarter gadget d80a7748

Gadget lets you control your smartphone, play games by flexing your muscles

Imagine being able to control your smartphone by flexing muscles. That’s the idea behind a new device called FlexR, which is raising funds on Kickstarter.
aquamav drone swim air divesequence

This versatile drone can dive like a bird and jump like a flying fish

AquaMAV is an experimental aerial drone not only able to fly in the air, but also to dive into the water and then reemerge.
comic book ai

Bam! Pow! Learn! App called LingoZing uses comic books to teach foreign languages

Learning a new language can be scary. LingoZing eases users' fears and helps them learn to speak a foreign language by reading comic books, graphic novels.
salk institute aging process benjaminbutton

Scientists may have discovered how to reverse the natural aging process

In an experiment, Salk Institute scientists have managed to rejuvenate mice with a premature aging disease by engaging in a spot of cellular reprogramming.
swash1400 smart bidet s1400 deodorizer removal

Bidet, mate! Feature-packed seat converts your toilet into a luxury spa

Looking for an alternative way to clean your derriere? Check out this feature-packed smart bidet toilet seat, you contrarian!
robot bees pollinating flowers dsc 0833

Robot bees are designed to pollinate flowers when real bees no longer can

Researchers in Poland are building robot bees, called B-Droids, designed to pollinate flowers in cases where real bees no longer can.
robot arm brain interface bci umn photo 2016 12 13

Robot arm can be controlled with thoughts, no brain implant needed

Researchers have made a breakthrough in neural interfaces by creating a system which allows people to control a robotic arm using just their thoughts.
kickstarter multipurpose pen dsc03706

Pen. Screwdriver. Bottle opener. The Author is the pen James Bond would use

Searching for a writing implement that combines a stylish pen with hidden screwdriver, bottle opener, stylus, and ruler? Meet the Author multifunction pen
affordable motion capture suit rokoko smartsuit pro 9

Affordable motion capture system is an entire studio in one skintight suit

The motion-capturing Smartsuit Pro brings a studio-level mocap experience by replacing wires and cameras with smart sensors and Wi-Fi.