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Latest by Luke Dormehl

heart on a chip heart1

Harvard’s 3D-printed heart on a chip hopes to make drug testing safer

Scientists have developed the world’s first 3D-printed heart-on-a-chip, which could allow experiments on human hearts without requiring human testing.
ecobee donate your data

Ecobee wants you to donate your smart thermostat data to combat climate change

Connected thermostat maker Ecobee has launched an opt-in program that lets users share their data for a large-scale study into climate change.
sending tastes online dsc06160

Lips like sugar: Everything can taste sweet with the Taste Buddy gadget

Taste Buddy uses a low-level electrical current to stimulate the tongue’s taste buds -- to fool people into thinking they are trying sweet or salty flavors.
pokemon go dataviz pokeball

Data science artist shows 'virality' of 'Pokémon Go' with data visualization

This stunning data visualization project shows how 'Pokémon Go' exploded in popularity online, as seen through the spread of YouTube videos.
rovables robots crawl everywhere

Cute wearable robots will crawl all over your body to do your bidding

The future of wearables could be miniature on-body robots that crawl all over your body to create instant makeshift displays.
airblock modular drone flying in the air

This modular drone will teach children how to code the fun way

Robotics startup Makeblock wants to teach kids to code by giving them a modular programmable drone to build and play with.
sound lab replicate any acoustics aalto university soundlab

This amazing sound lab can replicate the acoustics of any building that exists… or doesn’t

Until now, there’s been no convincing way of truly replicating the sound environment of different locations from the comfort of one room. That's now changed.
liquid proof scotch tape

Groundbreaking adhesive tape will repel any liquid you can think of

Researchers at Colorado State University have created a Scotch Tape-style adhesive which is able to repel virtually any liquid you can think of.
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Flexible temporary tattoo will let your phone know how drunk you are

A team of researchers have created a smart wearable temporary tattoo, able to send information to your smartphone about your possible level of inebriation.
swon shower tracker kickstarter picture1

The Swon smart shower tracker will save you money and help the environment

Swon is a smart Wi-Fi-connected device which attaches to your existing shower head and tells your phone how much water and energy you’re using.
wireless charging drones 161013 drone aldhaher samer 010

Batteries? Who needs ’em! Engineers just built a drone that can sip power wirelessly in midair

Researchers at the Imperial College London have created a highly efficient method for wirelessly transferring power to a drone while it’s in flight.
man typing computer

Hackers could reconstruct your typing by listening to your keystrokes over Skype

Researchers have created a system capable of working out what a person is typing by listening to their keyboard strokes over Skype.
folding boat kpak img 4032

Backpack that quickly turns into a boat makes the great outdoors even greater

K-Pak is a 9-foot-3-inch “skin on frame” boat-in-a-backpack from the aptly named Folding Boat Company.
ultimaker 3 3dprinter print1

Ultimaker 3 is a desktop 3D printer that can print two materials at once

The Ultimaker 3 is a newly launched desktop 3D printer with a dual-extrusion system for printing two materials at once.
superhard materials pressure rs16388 vohra

Researchers plan to create superhard materials using insane amounts of pressure

Researchers have created artificial diamonds they hope will be capable of generating previously unimaginable amounts of pressure.
road id mobile app running headphones

Road ID app lets you keep tabs on your loved ones when they are out running

Road ID is a mobile app which lets friends, family or anyone else you choose track you in real-time on a map when you go running.
teaching drones to soar like birds vlcsnap 2015 10 30 10h25m37s353

Naval Research Laboratory is teaching drones to use thermals to soar like birds

The Naval Research Laboratory has created smart software to allow unmanned planes to fly for longer by using algorithms to locate thermals to surf.
space surveillance telescope sst wide field

DARPA’s ultrapowerful Space Surveillance Telescope scans the sky for asteroids

The Department of Defense delivered a powerful new telescope, capable of keeping an eye on the space flotsam and jetsam floating around our galaxy.
wristwhirl smartwatch watch

The WristWhirl's unique interface could let you use smartwatches one-handed

WristWhirl is a smart user interface which lets smartwatch wearers perform common touchscreen gestures by using their watch-wearing wrist as a joystick.
move over epipen epipill aterica 0355

Move over EpiPen: Researchers have invented the injection-free ‘epi pill’

The EpiPen's days may be numbered, thanks to the invention of an orally disintegrating tablet that goes under the tongue to provide epinephrine.
airpod basket earrings earring in ear

3D-printed basket earrings will catch your falling wireless AirPods

Micro 3D-printer company M3D has created a pair of mini-basket earrings, which promise to catch Apple's futuristic AirPods if and when they fall out.
alternative limb project sophie de oliveira barata

How the Alternative Limb Project is transforming prosthetics into an astonishing artform

The Alternative Limb Project is transforming the medium of prosthetics into the ultimate form of self-expression. Here's the story behind it.
web application lets you experience dyslexia alphabet soup

Innovative Dyslexie typeface is designed to be read by people with dyslexia

The creator of the Dyslexie font, designer Christian Boer, has created a typeface for improving the reading skills of people who have trouble reading.
ping pong fm music 02

Arduino-powered ping pong table play music to match the intensity of your game

Ping Pong FM is an Arduino-based ping pong game which is halfway between table tennis and the 'Guitar Hero' franchise.
uvc led mobile device renamedpic3

Keep bacteria at bay by sterilizing objects with Cleanty, a mobile LED device

Cleanty lets you use light to quickly and easily sterilize objects around you, thereby significantly decreasing your chance of infection.
desktop holographic display releasewire 115451 full

Check out this awesome laser-based 'holographic' display on Kickstarter

Check out this amazing device, which its creator calls the world’s “first commercially available, laser-based desktop ‘holographic’ display.”
smart cast algorithms pink

Algorithms helped design this smart update on the orthopedic cast

A team of engineers have reinvented the orthopedic cast for the 21st century, using some algorithms and smart materials.
3d printed hand lab amy karle next to her artwork regenerative reliquary in bioreactor  photo by blue bergen

Forget impressionism, this artist is growing a real skeletal human hand in a lab

In a jaw-dropping blend of art and science, new-media artist Amy Karle is growing a skeletal human hand in a lab.
levitating display soundwaves smile02

Researchers are using sound waves to build a display out of floating 'pixels'

Researchers in the U.K. have built a groundbreaking mid-air display of 'floating pixels' that you can reach out and touch.
loki meat thermometer 1 purple

Loki Wi-Fi meat thermometer monitors your meal, tells you when it’s done

This "Smart Meat Thermometer" relays data via a mobile app to tell you how your food is cooking and when it’s likely to be ready.
mosquito repellent

Studying mosquito neurons could convince them humans taste disgusting

Researchers have made a breakthrough in understanding what makes us attractive meals for mosquitoes -- and how “changing our flavor” could help stop it.
chipsetter one kickstarter  board holder and part holders print scale

Desktop pick-and-place machine will create your own printed circuit boards

New Kickstarter project Chipsetter One is promising the world's first industrial grade desktop pick and place machine, designed for modern innovators.
smartcube smart lock copy of white blue cube

Portable Smart Cube lets you lock any drawer, unlock it with your phone

Justin Zastrow's Smart Cube is go-anywhere smart lock that turns any drawer or cupboard into a mini-safe. You can lock and unlock it with your phone.
smart doorbell ding kickstarter dingsmartdoorbellkickstarter17print

The Ding Smart Doorbell ensures you will never miss a potential guest again

Launched on Kickstarter, the Ding Smart Doorbell comprises an outdoor doorbell button, indoor portable chime, and connected smartphone app.