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Latest by Luke Dormehl

amazon gaze assisted object recognition patent glasses diet

Clever new ‘Diet Eyeglasses’ track your eating habits by monitoring your chewing muscles

Sensor-Filled 3D-Printed Diet Eyeglasses Sense Chewing Activity By Analyzing Signal Bursts Produced By Muscle Contractions
ny times daily 360 google cardboard

With Google’s new Expeditions app, teachers can take their whole class on a VR field trip

Google's Expeditions App Allows Cardboard Users To Take A School Field Trip In Virtual Reality
Can cell phones cause brain cancer? We asked the experts

Cutting-edge metastasis prediction algorithm can accurately predict the spread of cancer

A New Computer Model Has Found A Fresh Way To Map Cancer Progression: Possibly Offering Valuable Life-Saving Insights As A Result.
km3net neutrino observation telescope img 4128

Scientists are building an enormous telescope — at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea

Giant Undersea Neutrino Telescope Will Help Reveal Secrets of Tiny Subatomic Space Particles
University of Cincinnati AI

Tactical AI beats a US Air Force colonel in a dogfighting simulation

A New AI System Called ALPHA Has Beaten U.S. Air Force Tactical Expert At Combat Sim
portlet open source diy smart plug portlet1

This programmable, open source outlet can do things that off-the-shelf smart plugs can't

This Programmable Outlet Will Do Everything From Switching Your Lights On At A Certain Time To Keeping Your Coffee Heated At The Perfect Temperature.
random number generator verification algorithm 7492646  chalkboard

Groundbreaking random number algorithm may be boon for online security

Quantum Algorithm Proves That Random Numbers Really Are Random
bbc unveils house bots robot wars reboot 1622

BBC’s new ‘Robot Wars’ resurrects your favorite wired warriors

We've Seen The House Robots For The 'Robot Wars' Reboot. And They're Freaking Awesome.
researchers develop bio ink advancing 3d printing of living tissue bio3dprinter feat

New ‘bio-ink’ could be used to print new cartilage and bone implants

Researchers At The U.K.'s University of Bristol Have Created A New Hybrid Bio-Ink Which Could Lead To Major Advances In Bioprinting
tend ai robotic 3d printing robot and printers 2

With ten 3D printers and a robotic attendant, this automated fab lab doesn't need any human help Has Created a Collaborative Robotics Startup That Can Multitask
macunx vr visual learning platform 58210689  school boy in virtual reality glasses classroom at

Brilliant VR startup leverages the ‘memory palace’ technique to boost learning speed

google pinpoints dangerous ai behaviors maxresdefault

New research paper from Google reveals what the company fears most about AI

Google's Published a New Paper Revealing What Could Go Wrong With AI
facial recognition gyfcat race fbi face mugshot 970x644g

This scrappy Russian startup is beating Google and Facebook at facial recognition

Russian startup, NTechLab, has created a neural network for facial recognition which has attracted the attention of global companies and governments.
imaterialise aluminum 3d printing dmls

i.materialize brings laser sintering to the masses with new aluminum 3D printing option

i.materialize has created a new lightweight aluminum material it will use to 3D print your designs on your behalf.
london 3d printed wall art skyline tiltshift

This 3D-printed map of London is one of the coolest things you could ever hang on your wall

San Francisco-based programmer used a 3D printer to create a detailed map of his former home city.
oculus rift atv sim research simulator

Oculus Rift ATV simulator is more than just a crazy video game — it could actually save lives

Researchers at University of Iowa have created a virtual reality ATV simulator, which may help save lives.
techshot 3d bioprinter in space zero g team

This NASA-backed startup is building a 3D bioprinter that makes human organs in space

Scientists have made history by 3D printing a heart structure
diy disable drone flirtey

The FAA’s new rules for commercial drones will likely hinder drone-based delivery

The FAA has issued new guidelines on commercial drone operations. But drone delivery is still a distance away!
glare smile electric toothbrush aldo dominici 2

The creators of this high-tech toothbrush claim it can clean your teeth in 10 seconds flat

Kickstarter project promises to build a high-tech electric toothbrush which can clean your teeth in 10 seconds
getty images vr stock photography tff feat

Getty Images is hopping on the VR bandwagon, building up a huge repository of stock VR content

Getty Images is building up a massive archive of 360-degree videos you can license for your own use.
Dobot robotic arm maker tool

Duke University engineers just built a robot that’s 10,000x faster at planning motion

Researchers at Duke University have created a special processor which will help robots plan out their movements up to 10,000 times faster
industrial fish filleting machine 21206141  fresh in store with workers background

Machine uses X-rays, algorithms, and water jets to cut a perfect fish fillet in under a second

FleXicut is a machine that uses X-rays, smart algorithms and jets of water to create the perfect fish fillet.
leo geneva airport robot baggage

Geneva Airport has a friendly bag-carrying robot named Leo

Leo is Geneva Airport's new robot, which helps customers check in, prints their baggage labels, and even transports their bags to the departure gate.
synthia virtual city for autonomous cars car

Synthia is a massive virtual city where autonomous vehicles can safely learn how to drive

Barcelona’s Computer Vision Center has created a virtual city simulation, filled with erratic cyclists and crazy weather conditions, for training automotive vehicle AIs.
dollo 3d printer kickstarter printerq

This self-replicating 3D printer is made almost entirely from 3D printed parts

Dollo3D is a Kickstarter project aimed at producing an affordable, modular 3D printer which uses fewer off-the-shelf components than rival projects.
flexible ultra thin solar cell tech south korea ultrathinsol

Amazing new solar cell is so thin and flexible that it can wrap around a pencil

Scientists in South Korea have created a new, cutting-edge bendy solar cell that’s both thin and flexible enough to wrap around a pencil.
local motors olli driverless bus rc8003

Olli is the 3D-printed, totally autonomous electric shuttle bus we’ve all been waiting for

Olli is a sensor-filled, AI-powered smart shuttle bus created by Arizona-based automaker Local Motors, aided by IBM Watson’s cognitive learning car technology.
Road trip America: 3 of the best scenic drives in the U.S.

Here's the most efficient route for a road trip through the lower 48 states

Computer scientist Randy Olson has written an algorithm for determining the most efficient road trip to 48 different states.
anti asimov bot harms people intentionally alexander reben robot feature

An artist built a robot that stabs humans just to make a point

Roboticist and artist Alexander Reben has built a robot that doesn't exactly take Isaac Asimov's First Law of Robotics to heart.
antikythera mechanism secrets revealed am front

Revealing the secrets of the Antikythera Mechanism: the world’s oldest computer

Antikythera Mechanism, a.k.a. the world's oldest computer, remains technical marvel 2,000 years after its creation.
3d printed shipwrecks 13768519  stern section of a large underwater sunken shipwreck

How 3D printing brought two shipwrecks back to the surface

Researchers at Wessex Archaeology have used 3D printing to recreate two long-sunk shipwrecks off the coast of the UK.
nestor ai paying attention artificial intelligence

UK council's latest staff member is an AI called Amelia

Amelia is a new robot designed to answer your questions. And hopefully not to take your job.
isis twitter traffic down terrorist silhouette 16 9

Could this attack prediction algorithm help stop ISIS before it strikes next?

Terrorist attacks are terrifying in part because they're unpredictable. A new algorithm means they may not stay that way.
murder victim fingerprint unlocks phone 8355210  dusty record

This fingerprint ID system for infants sounds scary and Orwellian, but it could save lives

Anil Jain has developed a machine learning algorithm for helping fingerprint infants -- helpful in both tracking vaccinations and providing positive IDs.