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Scott Steinberg

Former Digital Trends Contributor

Nintendo: DSi XL March 28; Super Mario Galaxy 2 May 23; Metroid: Other M June 27

Assassin’s Creed II Free to Kill Again with New DLC

Apple iPad: What’s Missing?

google borrows page from apple steals ces 2010 show thumbnail

Google Borrows Page from Apple, Steals CES 2010 Show

3D TV: Is the World Really Ready to Upgrade?

2010 the year videoconferencing invades your tv thumbnail skype

2010: The Year Videoconferencing Invades Your TV

toshibas cell tv the 30 second review thumbnail tos

Toshiba’s Cell TV: The 30-Second Review

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Will Google Nexus One End Wireless Carriers’ Stranglehold?

How to Recycle Your Electronics

Apple’s New 2009 MacBook, iMacs, Mac Mini and More

Top 10 Facebook Apps

Whole House Audio Buyer’s Guide

7 Ways to Save on Home Theater

Green Gadgets and Technology

Outdoor Gear and Adventure Technology

Technology for Women and Girls

The Kitchen of the Future: Tomorrow’s Technology

Is Blu-ray Worth Buying?

Gift Ideas: PC and Laptop Accessories

Gifts for Parents and Grandparents

Photo Printing Tips

The Home of the Future

James Bond: The Ultimate Spy Gear and Gadget Guide

Home Theater Basics

Satellite Radio Basics

Nintendo Wii Review

Summer Games

Nintendo DS Lite Review

Microsoft Xbox 360 Review

Dell Rolls Out 37-inch LCD TV

Akimbo Adds Hallmark, Outdoor Channels

Game Boy Micro Review