In what may be the best and easiest anger management treatment for the 2016 election cycle yet, there is now a Chrome filter that will get Donald Trump out of your version of the Internet.
Simply download the aptly named Trump Filter, which purports to “eliminate Donald Trump from all your web browsing without leaving the Internet. Donald simply disappears from your view of every web page.” With its adjustable filters, you can select your “level of Trump filtration based on your mood or the website you are visiting.” You’ve got a total of three filter levels to adjust how much of the Donald you have to deal with. And best of all, you can “spread the wealth” by sharing the extension with your friends.
“I am doing this out of a profound sense of annoyance and patriotic duty,” wrote Rob Spectre, the extension’s creator. “[I was not] put up to this by the Republican or Democratic parties, the Obama administration, my mother, or any other possible sphere of influence.”
While Trump has continuously lambasted the media for its “unfair” treatment of both him and his candidacy, it’s our collective obsession with the mogul and his antics (case in point right here) that have kept him a trending topic throughout the year. Spectre obviously thinks his Chrome extension can help end the obsession.
It’s understandable that the media at large can’t just stop covering Trump cold turkey, but you can stop reading about him and it — or at least, force yourself to do so. If that’s your thing, download the Trump Filter, and make this the last piece you ever read about the man and the hair.